Palpasa regrets

Two people can't change the world yaar, they can't. Don't you understand, please, don't let him mislead you, you can change the world so much more here, you can talk to politicians, have them put pressure on the Nepali government, write a letter to a couple of senators, get a meeting, they'll listen to you! Please understand. He sighed. Tears ran down his cheeks dripping into the pages below. He had explained to Palpasa that going to Nepal was not going to fix things. The communists wouldn't give the government up and the rebels wouldn't stop terrorizing. She hadn't listened to him, that dastardly artist had put a spell on her, as if. She said she wanted to be where the action was where the suffering was, playing politics from afar didn't sit well with her. He had given up.

How he could go back in time and create drama, anything really, to stop her from going to Nepal. He'd give anything for that. He was seeing someone at the time, who understood his relationship with Palpasa. Still, he couldn't go all-in, be an asshole to save her; he didn't know that things would have turned out this way. If he'd known he'd have begged, on his knees, done anything to stop the journey. Maybe it was all his fault. He had been friends with her for the longest, knew what was happening with her, if there was anyone she might have listened to, it'd have been him. He could have done something. He should have done something.

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