Review: The 7-11 cheese pizza slice

One wonders why the corporate suits at 7-11 decided to sell pizza pies and slices at selected outlets (those with ovens). 7-11's have more in common with a rest stop outlet far from anything whose restroom you absolutely need to use so  you'll just buy whatever random bullshit they have in there for cheap maybe a drink or maybe a coffeee aahh they have chips too can't ever go wrong with a chip and so on and on, than say a Domino's pizza. So why the pizza?

Perhaps they're trying to replicate their own success in East Asia and more particularly Japan where they sell high-quality prepared food at extremely reasonable price, with amenities to warm up the food right inside the stores and area to sit down as you enjoy your all-7/11 food. Pizza's a good place to start if that's the plan.

I searched for a review of their individual pizza slices on the internet, and all I got was posts from 7 years ago when they first released it. The price was apparently originally at $1, $5.55 for a pie which is a goddamn fine deal since you can barely find frozen pizza at that price point.

I went to the 7-11 at Davis Square, the price of a pizza pie was $8, $1.70 for a slice including taxes. That's not the worst, but considering you can get a large 2-topping pizza pie of your choice for the same price at Domino's which, if I may say so, does know how to make fresh pizza.

But you can see the thought behind the single slices. You get out of the train station tired from a full day's worth of hard work, and a little weak and hungry because lunch will only take you so far and in your attempt at cutting back on the carb you've severely limited your lunch intake. As you walk out of the station you have two options, you either get a solid meal to fill yourself up, or you get some fast food to keep you standing till you can get home and whip something. Everything is fast food these days, you want a small serving with limited calories just enough to last maybe an hour or so. Would you rather get a McDonald's burger with all its saltiness or fries or whatever, or would you rather get a medium slice of plain cheese pizza for the same price, who's nutritional content you're well aware of. You know exactly what's in it, you don't fear the mysterious goop.

And that's about the situation I was in. After a long grocery trip it was a choice between spending 12 bucks for a full meal, or spending considerably less on something, anything really to fill myself up enough to last the walk home. There were two options: cheese or pepperoni, meat was not an option so I got the default choice. The cheese pizza was the only vegetarian option available at the cooked-food section (if you can call it that) there. I ordered a slice not realizing there was a slice under the infrared lamp already. The cashier packed it up and handed it to me.

Now onto the actual review. This was by far not the worst pizza I've paid money for. In fact I've paid a lot more for a lot less at sit-down places. No this is not the best pizza I've had and it doesn't remotely compare with the Domino's large pizza with 2 topings which you can get for the same price point of the pie. Still quite good though. The crust was a little crumbly and slightly more chewy than I'd have liked, a little cookie-like texture if you will but it tasted fine. The cheese topping was quite good and had me considering getting a second slice. As far as reheated pizzas go, and apparently all the chain restaurants are mostly reheating their pizzas, you'd be hard-pressed to find one better at this price point at locations convenient as 7-11's. For what it is, it's a great deal.

Yes, it was sad pitiful even that I ate a single slice of 7-11 cheese pizza in the cold standing on the sidewalk as a group of college freshmen girls jumped around and giggled. They weren't making fun of me strictly but might as well have been. I had a damn good time though and I'd do it again. And that should tell you all you need to know.

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