Great breakfast, new checklist [Monday 16]

In reverse chronological order, the events of today's day. Here. We. Go!

It's 10.55 and I've completed all the chores and workouts, all set to go to bed. Have been doing pushups more close to each other. If I can get those 100-ish pushups done in ten or less minutes perfectly (without cheating like I do for the diagonal ones), it'll be time to get the pushup bars. The original plan was to get the bars at 70 pushups total but that was when the understanding was that the pushups would be bunched together, not spread apart over a matter of 30/45 minutes.

Finished writing and doing workouts. Read the Genghis Khan book...found it interesting enough to read upto page 54. Quite...inspiring/interesting book if I may say so. I was reading it as roommate PK was updating us on general events, and friend-of-the-house SB who just came back after a 3-week trip to Kathmandu was sharing his experience. SB says he had a grand time in Kathmandu for 3 weeks though he probably couldn't do it for much longer, which is the general agreement among us I think. Earlier in the evening we watched couple of episodes of The Office and Explained (the Vox series), completed watching Step Brothers movies. Roommates PK and BB are watching Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 3 roommate AL is asleep. Roommate AL is waiting for a lot of snow tomorrow so his business is good and so is roommate PK so he can work from home.

Had dinner before roommates PK and BB got back from work -- dinner of french rolls, avocado, salt, olives and the sharpest cheddar I could get my grubby hands on. The cheddar tastes like yak cheese honestly.  Cut two avocados because they needed to be eaten quick but as it happens they weren't as bad as I'd feared and now there's one cut avocado that needs to be eaten by tomorrow until it becomes inedible.

Walk back from Davis was refreshing and I got slightly sweaty -- going on I'll be treating my walk to Davis as part of my workout so on every possible day it'll be my route to and from work. If I walk fast enough, it's actually possible to get some sweats and be a little out of breath which is wonderful because that means I'll get to work/home faster and also have a great workout. The sheer act of sitting on the Red Line, with ample space for people to stand up people in lot better moods than they are generally was quite relaxing, had forgotten about that for a while. So, better mood, better workout, better trainride, it's a win-win-win, apart from bad weather conditions, but we'll see if there's a way to fix that on colder days.

Work was okay, got some stuff done but the project I've been working on for months we realized didn't really need to be done so I axed it. Not taking it personally because it was entirely my fault and if I'd asked people harder questions and made more noises I'd never have had to do it. So that's that. The lunch walk to Chinatown and back was refreshing, got out of the office over lunch after quite a long time, it felt good.

In the morning they had a nice breakfast burrito at our work which filled pretty much everyone and no one really had lunch. I didn't either. Still felt full after coming home, which is saying quite a lot. It was a blackbean-tofu-egg burrito with veggies. Need to remember that in case I want to eat good filling breakfast burrito in the future.

Got up at 7-ish today, which is earlier than regularly, snoozed only once, got ready quick didn't shower cos' i'd done it last night, and left at about 7.55 which is quite a bit earlier than what I've done in recent past. If I set the alarm to 6-something and got up at exactly 7.00 I should be able to make all my chores on time and get to work on the dot. The possibility titillates me. These are exciting times!

Started the first full day of the new checklist today. Didn't get around to getting the spirit of all the tasks, as I was just getting started and some of them are actually quite difficult for someone with my personality. Regardless, got most of them done, including writing a letter (which I'm posting tomorrow), so things are looking bright.

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