Planned novel summaries - Part I

The Khyaak story:
An innocent Kathmandu boy is forced into crime by a mythical creature from Newari folklore

A mystical creature mentioned in Newari tales appears to a Newar boy and promises him great power and longevity. In return it asks from him a completion of a series of important 'jobs'. After originally agreeing, and backing down later after realizing the full implications of the commitment, the boy Haka is threatened and coaxed by the Khyaak into servitude. Haka goes on a rampage of low-key murder and sabotage under the Khyaak's guidance. His mental health deteriorates, relationship with his friend and crush dissipates, and he considers taking his own life. Haka finds peace, a way to live despite himself -- by convincing himself that his actions are justifiable.

The Raul Story:
A U.S returnee encounters unexpected challenges as he tries his hand in Nepali politics

Back in Kathmandu after spending 18 years in the U.S, Raul finds himself lost and confused in the city he never knew, with no friends connection or direction. After a particularly bad breakup he finds himself at an interesting party, joins a political party and he aspires to become an honest, credible politician, leveraging his Wall Street experience to clean up Nepali politics. He is betrayed before elections by his Party despite serving with loyalty dedication and commitment. When he makes it through, his opponents use underhanded tactics to undermine his credibility, and hit him hard by attacking him personally in the media. He suffers a big setback at a personal level when his life savings that he counted on to keep him honest are destroyed in a natural calamity. His personal life is upturned as he turns into the very political creature that he promised to vanquish.

The Imps story:
Indra's realm faces existential crisis and the 'fixers' are unwilling to help
The planets have aligned against Indra and his court at Swarga, and this time not even the quarternity can save him. Indra discovers his courtiers are planning a coup against one of the senior Gods of the court whom he also disagrees with, but cannot let his own authority be undermined. There is a rebellion fomenting in the palace against the Gods, this time by the nymphs, dryads and other service persons who want greater celestial abilities and better representation in the Palace. Meanwhile, the heavenly Imps who maintain and create the rules of the Universe have discovered fundamental flaws in the systems managing the Gods' celestial powers but are too afraid to report in fear of retribution -- they must try to fix the system before anyone else notices. Indra must manage the several confounding several issues at once, but the biggest force he has to fight is his own ego: will he seek help from those he fears and despises, or will the court of Swarga succumb under internal pressures?

The demons story:
The demons are sick of Indra and this time they are on to something
After millions of years of fighting each other all demonic races unite under a charismatic leader to fight against the yoke of Indra and the hegemony of the Palace of Swarga. The demons are betrayed by spies within and are caught off-guard by a surprise pre-emptive strike by Indra's goons. After spending years recovering and making allies with the humans in the Earthly realm, heavily preparing and arming for the final battle to end all battles, they discover that the luster of Swarga is only in appearance and it's crumbling from within. Instead of coming off a great war as glorious victors as they hoped to, the demons fear they must now uphold a cosmic order that they are unable to lead and ill-prepared to deal with. They must re-purpose their weapons of war and co-operate with their eternal nemeses to stop the existing order from devolving into chaos while influencing the new cosmic order they hoped establish.

Link to the summaries here:

Planning document:

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