Successful buckwheat pancakes, self-guided Boston walking trip [Saturday 21]

Saturday busy mostly at home but pointless travels abound too. The chronology of today's events in reverse temporal order, here. we. go! It's exactly 12.00 am as I'm writing this, which is still early for the last couple of days.

Got back home at 10.40 in the evening, finished the workouts, the writings and the catchingup. Talked to folks back home and getting ready to sleep now, after washing up and writing a letter.

Left for Chinatown at 6.20ish, walked to Davis while talking to NG (DC) on the phone. Realized I was missing my wallet in Davis, walked home got the wallet waited for the 101 took the Orange line to Sullivan and took the train to DTX. Walked over to Burger King from where I posted one of the earlier posts. Still talking to NG, ended our conversation after I ordered cheesy tots and Onion rings after 2 hours. I do find BK's alright but their onion rings are just mediocre IMHO, their tots and moz sticks are better. Walked to the Common, talked to AKS in Seattle who was in a hurry, only a 15min conversation. Walked to Public Garden, over to Comm Ave for several streets then jumped to Newbury saw so many people in their goddamn Canada Goose. Walked far enough in that way and it was already late enough that there wasn't much to see so walked back to Copley took the train to Park St, and the red line to davis. Looked around at CVS for a bit for a vitamin refill I need, but the dosage is either so comically high I don't want it or the prices are so absurd i don't care for them. Planning on convincing SBK to drive to Costco tomorrow to get those. Took the 89 and walked home from there, listening to My Dad Wrote A. Thank god for podcasts.

Went to bed late last night, got up at seven went back to sleep got up at 10 finally, cleaned up the room cleaned up the house loaded the dishwasher caught up on a tonne of writings I had to do from yesterday, bought my tickets for upcoming travels, read the Genghis Khan book, talked to friends, talked to roommates. Made buckwheat pancakes, this time with lots of sugar and an egg and it's been the best I've ever made. The trick I think to add more water than you think you'll need and definitely more sugar than you should be comfortable with eating. I also added dark chocolate chips that added to the texture but not much with the taste. Despite all the sugar it was still not sweet enough so added but butter and powdered sugar to make it more palatable. Perhaps it was all the oil I used in it but I felt really full for the rest of the day, so much so that later when I'd be eating at BK's I was just forcing it down to make myself sit and write. In any case by far the most successful round of buckwheat pancakes I've ever had and gives me courage kinda' to try out and be more experimental with these things. Delayed my departure for C-town a couple of times because I kept getting distracted but finally got around to it after having the pancake 'dinner'.

Need to do tons of groceries tomorrow at Chinatown, Aldi, wherever I can really.

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