The meaning of true beauty [2]

Note: I'm actually kind of proud about the previous piece, felt quite honest and real yanno? Hope it's not like I'm playing stereotypes. Here we go again.

What is not to like, she was a rough and tough girl with brains but she was also beautiful like an angel, obviously he fell in love with her the instance she opened her mouth to talk to him for the first time. Hi, I'm Anya, she had said, it had taken his brain some time to process that message. His brain had been fried because of her charming looks he was surprised that an angel like her had even talked to him, so obviously he was not prepared to respond. After several eternities of awkward pause he smiled meekly, and said Oh hi, I'm a bit tired from all the office work, I'm Ashesh what's up in one single gulp. She had giggled a little, or that's what it seemed to him anyway, and said Are you okay, you don't sound well, and his stupid throat had decided to choke at that very moment. Five minutes of rib-aching coughing later, he recovered but she was gone by then, Anya the angel of his heart.

He should have known, she wasn't an angel of only his heart. There was this other man, just like him, even the same skin color and the geographical origin and everything so it wasn't even like she didn't prefer men who looked like him. He had met her the first time in the same party too and by the end of the night they were talking like old buddy-buddies and thank god he got called away by his friends and she had to leave when he was gone because he was worried he would ask her number and that would be the end of his love story. Fortunately the gods of love and fate and all the other gods who took interest in matters like these had interfered in his behalf. Just before she left, he forced to mutter 'Nice meeting Anya, hope to see you again," and she said Hopefully then you're feeling better and not dying, alright bye and then left. What did she mean by that, perhaps that was her way of saying that if he had been feeling healthy and not like a total and utter fool she would be interested in him? But not now. Because he was not in the best of his shape. Which was fair because if a cool smart talented knowledgeable female came up to him and started impressing him with all the cool facts and sharing interesting information of work life but suddenly started coughing like a tuberculosis patient and couldn't get words out of her mouth properly he too would be worried about her health situation and consider dating her only after he was a cent-percent sure there was nothing contaminating inside her. You had to be careful these days, with people meeting each other on tinder and what not like that openly, you never knew who was who so...Not that...not that Anya was worried he was a sickly bastard who probably had sex diseases but if she was indeed then it would be fine to because he was the kind of man she probably thought would attract a lot of single ladies, of all different tastes and races, so it was only natural of her to have made the assumption. Still, it sucked that it happened to him and not someone else. Like that other douchebag for example, what a wonderful life it would be if he was the one who talked to her and had the fun while the other man was the one suffering and unable to talk to her because of nervousness issues. Not that he himself was nervous mind you, just that it'd have been fine if other people had been.

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