Finishing leftovers day [Tuesday 17]

It's 11pm and all that remain is to clean up and go to bed. Here. We. Go.

Finished working out and reading couple of pages from the Genghis Khan book. Watched a blackxploitation movie parody on Netflix with roommate AL who's quite informed about such matters. Talked to roommates BB and AL, roommate PK just got back from the North End after trying homemade pho at a friend's place. Had french bread with goat cheese, olives and olive oil for dinner. Also finally finished the gd millet pancakes.

Took an hour of nap, and just chilled in bed for about an hour after work. Didn't feel too good at work, a little tired rather and the rest cleared my head a bit.

The commute was tolerable, as things go, had to take the Orange line to work as it was raining and slushy. Got a seat in the orange line, the green line wasn't the worst and the wait at Sullivan was surprisingly tolerable. Mood wasn't great on my way back anyway so didn't care either way.

Work was alright, not very productive. Ate a cookie in the afternoon, had the bean salad and avocado for lunch so glad I'm over with that. Was starved at lunch, and felt pretty hungry later too. In addition to the beans, need to find some form of carbs or something to really fill myself up to properly stabilize my mood. Haven't really talked to too many folks on the phone or met up in a while. If i don't nip the sleepy and hungry problems in the bud might get complicated a bit.

Morning commute was good, nice walk in mild slush. Got up quite on time at 6.55, and got everything in order. Even though it was 7.50/55 by the time I left for work, it would have been better if I'd cared for time more. Need to take care of the med-burp caused by vitamins in the morning, might have to do something to take care of that. Talked to TD in the nederlands at work, and hosted a meeting, rather inactively too. It was ok. Will probably work from home one of those days.

Didn't complete some of the new checklist stuff today -- mostly the complimenting people part, that's because I took the Orange line and wasn't feeling it really. If I keep it in my mind and don't take it too seriously, can probably get it done for a couple of days all at once. Also need to add squats to the daily checklist because I keep forgetting to do it when left to my resources. Checking out. It's 11.08.

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