The stinkbug caused a havoc at the wedding party. Guests ran around like headless chicken searching for a shelter to hide...from the smell. The caterers, confused afraid it was they who had caused the commotion used their nuclear weapon an industrial sized pail of burning camphor and an three extra large cans of pressurised room spray. Three workers spread out in the tent and sprayed onto the air like a bunch of mafioso henchmen in a B-grade movie firing at their enemies with Uzis. A thick fog of teenage-boy smell inflated up the tent causing even more confusion among the guests. A fourth caterer sneezing at the smell of deodorant decided to take matters in his own hands and clean the mess up. He lit up a thick bundle of slow-burning camphor scent. Thick fumes of burning camphor swirled around mixing with the deodorant that had saturated the air forming an ominous pungent cloud of inflammable aerosolised fragrances.
It was a miracle talked about across the country for years that no one was seriously hurt. Several singed eyebrows and a minor burn was the total human cost of the incidence.
The camphor mixed with the deodorant and the stink spray to create a explosive smelly mixture inside the tightly insulated wedding tent. The burning camphor triggered the mixture. The inside of the tent turned into a large fireball looking for an escape...the plastic insulation on the windows gave away quickly, relieving the pressure. The concoction was potent enough to be set alight yet did not have enough energy to set anything else on fire. Except fear and panic in the attendees.
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