Escapist fantasies

An escapist fantasy is one where you imagine running away from all your existing issues and problems and logistical nightmares into one that doesn't have any. It's not necessarily the ideal fantasy and may not be that different from your current reality, the only difference could be that your immediate problems are somehow wished away, poof! Ah what a world that'd be to live in!

Escapist fantasies are great, versus other outlandish fantasies, because they (can) mirror reality so often it's not as much a fantasy as making future plans, or projecting yourself into the future, and identifying the changes you'll need to make to be in a certain situation. They don't even have to be problem free -- they can come with their own series of issues, but they're the problems you'd rather have than the ones you're facing currently. Too much money to count? Yes, please! Don't know where to spend all that money you have and it's stressing you out? I'd like to have a piece of that!

In any case, you have to remember to distinguish the fantasy from reality and identify what are the more achievable aspects of the fantasy. Otherwise it's losing yourself to illusions and it can be very easy to be addicted to sweet illusions.

The point I'm trying to make is, I often have fantasies of escape once a while, such as a couple of times a week lately. It'll be fine, and the 'problems' aren't really problems but communications issues and expectation setting tasks, but someone's gotta do them and I'm not going to be the one to do it.

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