Stories to be read

Not all stories are written to be read. Some exist for the sole reason of satisfying the writer's intense urge to create, really create anything that can get them creating even more. They are not meant to be read as they often can't be read -- they lack structure, logic, and all the basic elements that make a good (or any) story. They just exist in the ether to float about and wander into nothingness, having never been realized into existence in anyone's head but the writer's.

Are we not but complicated stories ourselves? If stories are complex patterns on stone and paper and in patterns of electronic 1's and 0's, are we not complex patterns of atoms and molecules on paper of carbon and hydrogen, and in patterns of electronic 1's and 0's? If there are stories that are never read, can there be persons who are never 'read'? What does it mean to be read as a person, what does it mean to create impact, how far away are we from being mere stories?

We are quite far, truth be told. Stories don't move, interact run around pay talk all by themselves. Stories are passive they need to be interacted with, we are active our selves go out and interact with the world. Stories don't interact with each other by themselves, we do interact with other beings by our own self-determination.

And yet. The impact we create comes from somewhere. We change our surroundings, we change the stories of the people we talk to. We love, we laugh, we tell stories, we help we fight we hate we support we oppose and in doing that we shape the patterns of their lives as much as we do ours. And that's...what's important. Sure, you can explode a nuclear bomb and leave a deep scar pattern on the earth forever. That's easy. Physical patterns are easy to change...a volcano can spew but an influential it is certainly not. The biological patterns, the stories of our fellow beings are harder to influence because our self is entwined with theirs. When they get hurt, we are hurt, when they get angry we get angry. It's costly, physically and emotionally.

So the greatness of a person is a measure of how 'efficient' they are at influencing others positively. Efficiency does not necessarily imply a strictly physical definition..least amount of input for the maximum gain/output, it implies how good we feel about it and how good they feel about it too. A humanitarian who helps hundreds at a personal level going to their houses every day is better than an orator who irritates millions. The easiest way to achieve it is to begin a cycle of positive influence and inspiration. To inspire people to be good people to others, and to have them inspire others, and inspire others to inspire others and so on and so forth. To create a virus of goodness so to speak.

Where does it begin? From a single person. By being kind understanding and 'nice' to someone you care about, and having them pass it on to someone else. Let the stories be told, start the chain of chinese whispers of inspiration and kindness.

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