On Airports

Much electronic ink has been spilled over airports. I'm in terminal five to pick up TD, so more comments.

Air travel has evolved from what was once only for the ultra-wealthy to slightly more affordable to now being cheaper than the bus sometimes, particularly if you're going from Boston to Baltimore. While I was not around for 'back in the day', the way I've approaches air travel reflects that too. When younger, we put on the nice clothes, going to the airport and flying was an occasion. Now, it's becoming less and less of a thing, one could even see it as a glorified bus really. On several occasions I've just done my regular clothes (T-shirts and lose trousers) for long airflights and it's been fine. I want to test the limit of that -- how casually could you reasonably dress while doing the highest classes of flights? I wonder.

Speaking of airports, the Boston Logan airport has made taking Lyft/Uber on arrivals the worst...you need to change three elevators and escalators, walk to three different buildings and take a maze of passages to get to where you can get rideshares. Which is fine if they made the same rules for taxis. If rideshares are paying the same as taxies (which they are), why are they being discriminated against I wonder, particularly at airports. The fact that they make 'traffic worse' is such bullshit because that's what private cars do too and so do taxis. So I guess the aim is to make lives of people who don't have cars as hard as possible, is it? To encourage people to move into buying more cars because that's what is going to solve the traffic problem around the boston area. That seems to be the thinking anyway. People need to consider the concept of perverse incentives before they take ridiculously stupid decisions. That's all

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