When when when

When my mind's clear and I want to start writing something new, I need to think of a word or phrase to start a post there are certain words and phases that keep popping up suppressing other potentially more interesting ideas. In this case the word or phrase has been when. Literally whenever I want to write it's always when. It doesn't go anywhere but there's always the annoying when. I'll humor it and just write when out until it's happy with itself.

When he said they were going on a vacation, he didn't make it clear to his family that he and his wife were to be gone on a world trip ending in Australia on a trip that would take seven months, and spend four months at the wife's sister's place.

When the children found out that the school had cancelled weeks off of the vacation to make up the lost time, they were enraged. They were even more enraged at those that had called on those strikes, wasting their school days. A generation of young men and women had the deepest of hatreds in their hearts against any party group or organization that enforced an all-out vehicular strike.

When the boats tumbled in the little boats of the lake, no one imagined that the cause was a giant prehistoric monster who had lay low underneath the mud for many millennia. The large gas bubbles that burst at the surface of the water arose some suspicion but there was more hope than suspicion -- the possibility of a undiscovered natural gas outlet and the potential of free cooking gas for foreseeable future did really cloud everyone's sound judgment.

When the two best friends parted, they knew they were separating for good for they were going to the the opposite ends of the world with no intention of ever coming back. They would talk to each other online or on the phone perhaps but they were sure as hell they weren't meeting again. They were wrong. Exactly fifteen years and twenty days after the original separation they would stumble across each other at an expensive boutique hotel in a quaint little town in Southern Italy. And that would be a beginning of a grand new tale.

When they told him something couldn't be done he just wanted to do it more and more. So when they told him that noone could possibly realistically create an interconnected network of reasonably fast train lines across the country, through the mountains and all of that, and it would make zero sense if they did because the economy wasn't big enough to support it and never would be he knew what his mission was going to me. And that's the seed of how he came to be known as the father of Nepal' rail system.

When the two women embraced for the first time they saw their future together flashing in front of their lives, they knew they were the ones for each other for ever and for all eternity, through all the incarnations until both, together, finally got out of the hellish cycle and attained the ultimate peace. And until then, they would watch each other's back love each other and just be there. Not then though. Then, they were just embracing as two strangers at a large conference who had just met.

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