Haka's realization

No, it wasn't him, it wasn't him, it wasn't him, the Khyaak had made him do it, the khyaak had made him do it. It was the Khyaak. The khyaak had possessed him, he was a possessed being, it wasn't him, it couldn't have been him, he wouldn't have had the brains, there was no way it could have been him, he wasn't that smart he wasn't that brave he wasn't that kind of person, he didn't have the heart of a murderer, he was not a cold-hearted monster who could strike into someone's chest with a knife he wasn't that person, he was possessed by the Khyaak and it was the Khyaak who had done it, who had done it all, Haka said to himself, over and over and over again.

He lay on the corner of his dark room, immobile. He hadn't moved for...as long as he could remember...he was sobbing furiously, he took large gulps of air between his sobs, he looked like he was drowning in his own tears, desperately flailing around for air in his gasps and gulps. It was cold outside, the windows were closed, the wind blew the curtains regardless, his skin prickled with cold, his spine tingled his head ached, his throat parched his tummy tumbled his legs groaned and his heart...his heart was just ready to give up.

Haka. Didn't. Want. To. Live. As. The. Monster. He. Was. Turning. Into. He was not a human being anymore, he was a grotesque being, evil evil that did bidding for other evil creature, he had no humanity left, or why oh why did I do all of that, he didn't want to live like the monster. He would, he would give up, give up in front of the police, tell them...he would tell them...about about everything, about the khyaak about the incidents about all of them and if they believed him fine and if they didn't he'd explain everything in detail the poisons the pushing the cutting the adulterating of alcohol they would know exactly what happen he didn't really care at this point if the Khyaak got into trouble or not he would just claim full responsibility of it, he had plannned everything and executed everything...If if they asked why they did it he would make something up just some bullshit cooked up at the moment in time about some bullshit corruption about his victims being evil people who spported evil things and and he would just just act like a maniac so they would have to believe him and if if they didn't he'd try to come up with some sort of evidence even if he had to fabricate them...He would be safe, and the world would be safe only only if he was inside the cells of the prison, only then would people be able to walk freely in the Valley without the fear of being murdered by a pschopath.

It didn't matter. It didn't matter at all not a bit even what the Khyaak really was even if it was real or not if it was his mind playing games if he was sick or a psycho or if he was really possessed by evl it didn't matter it really didn't he wanted to get away from the guild he wanted the bloody dreams to end he wanted to stop hearing the voices he wanted those fuckfuckifucking souls to stop whispering and looking at him with those sad eyes he wanted that girl to stop pleading at him he hadn't ever talked to her she hadn't ever seen him it couldn't be it was all bullshit even if it was all in his head he had to he head to end it somehow somewhen soon soon he couldn't live like this.

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