Early to a hangout

Nothing ever seemed fair to Saran, ever. You told him you were busy hanging out with other friends that day, maybe the next day would be better, and he'd start complaining that you didn't care for him, you only cared for you other friends and not him, and what had he ever done to deserve such fate he had always thought you guys as good friends. Then you invited him to the other hangout because what the hell and maybe he'd find other people to bother but no he'd want just a small group because he was not ready to meet new people which was such bs because no one in the group was new not a single person, he was just too needy to spend time with a group. Sometimes it wasn't clear...if it was even worth...Seema sighed. She was a good person and a good friend, she would give him as much benefit of doubt as she could.

Seema checked the time. Only half an hour had passed. It'd probably be another half hour before anyone else showed up. She liked being on time. Everyone else believed being 'fashionably late' was actually cool. She didn't mind, she accounted for people being late in her plans. She was thumbing through old pictures to send to work, they were doing an employee profile and needed a good writeup and a professional shot. At least half an hour more to perfect the blurb and do a couple of edits.

Heyy, heyy hello, sorry I'm...sorry..sorry I'm late, Ish came in panting, running, stumbled into the chair, flung her handbag into the table and set herself down on the chair across from Seema. Oh wow no one's showed up yet haa how am I not surprised...cough...yea, sorry sorry, I got lost, she said, trying to breathe normally, still panting. She took a couple of long breaths.

Seema was thrown off. Oh heyy Ish, you're early, how come...yeah chill babe just rest okay, drink some water, like do something that doesn't need any energy, just close your eyes and rest, she said. Instead of three rounds of edits she might have to settle for two but it'd be okay. As soon as she finished writing the first time, and doing a quick runover it'd be easy after that.

SO anyway, Ish began still panting, I was on the way you know on my motorbike and those asshole guys like to make fun of a girl riding a big bike but whatever I'm over it, and I'm riding here, and this guy who's weird like keeps kinda' following me and honking at me and waving me and I get creeped out, but I go along but he does it for a couple of minutes so I get just fed up and stop my bike and take my helmet off too just like unload at him and he stops and takes his helmet off too and I"m really scared you know you never know what these psychos will do but then when he takes it off I see that it's actually like one of my cousins and he was just waving at me, I just didn't know what his bike was and he recognised my bike but I didn't and we talked a bit and had a laugh over it and I felt bad for like giving him so little credit etcetera so that's why I'm late but I'm trying to get to places on time I swear hope you didn't wait for long I know you like being on time the reason I left early was entirely to be there with you babe, I feel so bad. She took in a big gulp of air after what to Seema seemed like an eternity.

Seema was busy typing on her cellphone. Sorry babe, this is a work thing I need to be done in the next fifteen minutes or I'm going to get into trouble. They're putting my profile up on the site and need info on me. Just writing up something nice about yourself, she said without looking up from her phone.

Oh it's fine, I'll order a drink and while I am in my chatty mood today, I'll wait for you to finish your work before telling you about the most.exciting.thing. that happened to me the other day like it's insane and remember how I'm always talking about how nothing interesting ever happens to me and things are slow and even relationships are boring and yadda yadda yadda well that changed but I don't want to give you spoilers but your girl's living the life now so overwhelming but also so exciting and I'll tell you about all of this after you're done. Okay, where's the waiter now? Ish said, looking around.

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