Yet another laundry day with quick T-shirt folding [Thursday 5]

Got up at seven, lazed around till 7.25, got ready and all set by 8, left home at 8.05. Got the bus at 8.07, the bus was supposed to be at Sullivan in 8.26, we got there at 8.42. Missed three buses because they were so full, so took the Oak Grove train back to Wellington where I missed another train because it was too full. Fortunately they turned the train going to Oak Grove around and I got a nice comfy seat near the doors. The entire trip to work from home took me an hour and a half (reminder that this has been happening multiple times this week) when it usually takes 40/45 minutes, and I've made it in 32 minutes on a good day. Awful, just awful. Fortunately it's not just me, everyone's been complaining about it.

Work was just as frustrating as it has been lately though fortunately a coworker showed me something that I can reverse engineer to get my work done, excited about that. Lunch was the same old bean salad though I'd taken an avocado to work today (again, thank god for having bought Avocado at the wegman's trip I know this was already posted earlier but whatever) so mixed that in which honestly took it to the next level. Had my awesome apples for breakfast too. Everything else was pretty regular except I finished an entire bar (and a bit more) of chocolate and coworker KB was stressed so she asked for a bar which I was happy to get rid of because I'd have eaten that too otherwise.

Left work ten minutes earlier than I regularly do. Took the red line to Davis, walked to Teele and got a haircut at the regular place there. They gave me a pretty good one this time including a deep cut on one of the sides. Walked all the way back (a thirty minute walk almost) without listening to anything because I wanted some time in the cold air without anything covering my ears or head to think ponder explore the nature and the possibilities of life. Live a little on the edge if you will.

At home I took a quick shower, fixed up a dinner (garlic bread sandwich of two eggs, hummus, mustard sriracha, was remarkably good), watched Kim's convenience with roommate BB, and did two loads of laundry. Roommate PK was gone away for semi-roommate I's work party which was fun apparently.

Spent a long time trying to figure out a good strategy to fold the clothes until I hit the most obvious solution. Sorted the clothes, folded the easiest ones (jackets, winter clothes, trousers), and looked up online for quick ways to fold T-shirts (and thus the previous post). As I was folding clothes, I also did some pushups and wrote a post to break the monotony. Roommate PK got back and talked to him while more folding happened. He went to bed and I got cleared up the room, did more pushups, washed up and got ready for bed. Just read a page of Light Fantastic before writing this. 25 more pushups to go and bedtime it is for me. Still at 25*3 pushups every day, and 30*2 situps. Have not been able to get back to doing the cardios and the squats have been slowing down too, need to put them in the checklist if I want to work on those.

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