10 good thoughts to have

  1.  If your life sucks, absolutely sucks, it can get better, it will likely get better, one shitty thing at a time, slow and steady. Just. Hold. On. Tight.

  2. If you're doing quite well and everything you want and have ever wanted is coming to fruition, fear not. Your success doesn't imply the universe is just waiting for an opportunity to punish you, and your streak of good fortune and hard work will likely not turn around all of a sudden, and even then you'll be just fine.

  3. Babies can figure out the whole goddamn universe from nothing, from a single cell. You can probably figure out all the hard things in life too, eventually, ya gotta keep at it without fear or surrender.

  4. Gloomy weather doesn't last forever, the sun will come out eventually, and it'll be glorious, even better than you imagine it to be.

  5. Unlike how it might feel during rough times, there's a silver lining around the corner, and human beings in general have quite lovely lives in modern societies.

  6. You can find some amazing deals at fast food restaurants, and their meals can be healthier than some home-cooked stuff if you plan it right.

  7. Mango season is here!

  8. If you have insecurites and feel lonely, remember that everybody else is like you and looking to make friends and have a stronger community to fight against the cold dark uncaring universe.

  9. There's no reason to fear the gods, they're a bunch of lazy posers.

  10. All you need to do to 'turn that frown, upside down' is to do a headstand.

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