Envy envy seethe - 1

This is gonna be a multiparter. Because I say so. It may or may not have anything to do with the fact that I'm idea bankrupt. Eff you creativity gods.

Yeah so. At this point in life I have become that girl from Hollywood movies, she's not ugly just so self conscious and friends with the female lead who gets all the attention from men women and everyone else and she's just...there, a prop for random people to use to hit on her friend.

Is this good? Or bad? On one hand it's exciting I find myself among a group of outgoing exciting popular people in large cities of this country, as a part of a group that would make for a good setup for a decent sitcom. People go out on dates, get in minor trouble, talk about girl problems, have to deal with crises. Interesting time! Living vicariously fucking rocks right now!

And yet. Yet yet yet. There's this pinge of....envy, that the people you have been friends with for two decades get all this exquisite attention and their social calendar looks crazy and you would literally murder sentient beings to have their choice of incredible dates and people to hang out with maybe date maybe be friends perhaps something in between who cares as long as everybody is safe and having fun. 

Where are you in this? On the margins of this great book, a random doodle by a not particularly invested reader. Inconsequential, insignificant, invisible.

Wait, did I say that was the good part?

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