Some philosophical considerations

 I am of course no philosopher.

Yet at times one dares philosophize, for one's approach to life can always be improved, introspected upon and changed. Why bother so much, some will ask, what are you trying to optimize, why not live in the moment not care about how much better it can get, appreciate what you have and bask in the glow of life and existence, they will propose.

Life doesn't work like that though. Success begets success. Happiness creates desire for more happiness. Stability paves way for greater stability.

So one will try to philosophize, mental models on how human beings work and should work and how that interacts with the real world. Yet we have all different brains and relationships with other people and to the physical surroundings around us. Which means what works for one might not necessarily work for another.

So we create abstractions, generalized observations about people and relationships that should work across the personality types and circumstances. We propose those to be universal to the human condition, the description of the overall human existence rather than a particular set of circumstances.

Such generalizations generally never work. Because philosophy doesn't arise in a vacuum.

Our societies and upbringing and 'fashion' in the times of our upbringing shape the values we hold, and things that we consider to be worth 'considering'. In other words we are but servants to the intellectual fads and fashions that guide our philosophizing.

And the desire to create universal lessons remains unfulfilled.

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