A man, perhaps one with a plan?

To cut the story short, you know how it feels like you don't know what you're looking for and where you need to be going and you're all out of breath and energy and direction, all confused and unsure unclear what to do? And you have no plans, you're looking for somebody to guide you, to tell you what to do or at least what to consider to evaluate your options? And then somehow things fall in place, you discover interesting things, keep doing fun things you always did and one day an interesting idea comes up, it leads you to exploring other interesting ideas, things snowball around until you find amazing things and then there's like maybe too many things you have put your fingers in, innumerable pies and your fingerprints on them and it's a little overwhelming but also so frrkkin' exciting because now the world of options has opened up for you, yeah you can fail but probably won't and even if you do it's likely you'll do much greater things?

Yeah, something like that is happening to me.

It would be daring fate to say that I'm a man with a plan now, but I'm going into a direction that's looking clearer by the month. Goodstuff.

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