Latest summer plans update

Summer plans have solidified eventually, lots of potential options abandoned, other new options popped up.

This Sunday I leave for Virginia, stay there for 16/17 days. Spend time there in three different places, celebrate birthdays, travel and chill at the beach in North California.

Get back the second week of May, got a few days for myself, to hang with the gang and chill. Later AD and SB come in from Dallas, they'll stay at a hotel for a week and at my place for another week. We're going to be traveling all over most definitely, probably ONP or Rainier and Hood or Crater, whatever they're interested in. Lots of camping potential too because I know AD loves camping, there's this old joke about how he asked SB to spend night at a walmart parking lot on their third date.

So between late May and early June I have another week or two for me and the Seattle gang, hope we're doing all the fun things then. Because on June 10 I go for Colorado, Shr, Sb's cousin from the other side is going to be there, along with the other cousins, and we're planning some sort of road trip (or otherwise) around Colorado. First time in the state, it's gonna be poppin'.

Back home on the 20th of June. And that's my plans for the next two months.

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