15 Random things

1. Bugs, fuckin' bugs, maaan

2. This new trend among the new gen of not wearing bra, specially with tight t-shirts

3. Volcano, the natural structure but also the thing you smoke weed from

4. Itches

5. Ruffles chips

6. Lose lips sink ships

7. Carpal tunnel syndrome

8. Being bummed out for no good reason

9. That one actor from friends who plays Ross's Chinese girlfriend

10. The feeling of finding Seinfeld shorts on youtube not as satisfying as the real thing.

11. Relief that there's at least some good in the world.

12. Sammiches, so many sandwiches!

13."Are you watching your cartoon?" "Yeah I'm looking at your photos"

14. State fairs

15. Resorts, nice fancy resorts

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