Friendly chats and catchup from all over, leftover pad thai lunch, drinks 30 rock and gym [Mon 18]

I write this the day after, finally caught up on the journals, for some reason they're the one I've been postponing the most writing despite being the easiest to.

Anyway for lunch I had pad thai leftover. So yum. Work was productive.

During work also talk to RK, after a while, what a good time I have every time I talk to them. After work caught up with ED and SA, who I've scheduled meetings for every 3 weeks now, to talk, the first one being this Thursday. I'm going to plan the shit out of my life to get it in place, freakin' finally, otherwise there's no way to get my shit together now.

Didn't go to get haircut or do other important things because I napped I think, or did something else less important. Went to Sb's place, got a couple of beers free thanks to his building, watched 30 rock, did workouts, as much as every other day, and back to one drink and more 30 rock. Headed out for home at 10.30 or after, don't remember.

Slept at a pretty respectable time, should really get my schedule better.

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