Roti tarkari lunch, gym shuffleboard and pool, dinner at belldown, hang with the girls, mushroom potatoes soy rice dinner, latenight walk [Tue 5]

 Had roti from TJ's with the tarkari I'd made the day before. I came up with this new way to make mealprep easier: cook the basics (beans mostly) in water without any spices or oil, and then spice it up with the right sauces and herbs later in the week when you want to cook. Gotta write it down and make more specific recipes etcetera.

Also stupid google keeps quarantine my extremely normal posts which means I have like four posts hidden and I feel bad about this, anyway back to scheduled programming.

After work I wrote a bunch, watched tv, walked round my place. Then went to Sb's place for gymming, did some solid running so sweaty and the regular resistance workouts. Also talked to P.K who it turns out was also working out when I was, what co-inkidink.

Played several rounds of shufflebord -- I think we've gotten really good at it, and when things get boring we make riskier plays and our performance goes down all of a sudden. Also did a small short round of pool which Sb won my the width of a snake's hair.

Walked to Belltown to the girls' place after dinner and had mushroom, potatoes, soy sadheko nd rice dinner there. They'd invited me because it was all vegetarian meal. They enjoyed the kefir I'd brought.
Forgot to mention, I picked up this plaid jacket I'd ordered from GAP online, wore it there and was generally appreciated I think. Looks hip, man I have so many clothes now, moving from here is going to be hell I already know that.

At 10 in the evening I walked back home, wrote a bunch, watched a bunch of tv and went to bed. Should have written more though.

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