What's the matter with Seattle weather right now?

 Just as I thought things had stabilized, that Seattle weather was quite nice and pleasant all things considered and so what if it's a bit gloomy once in a while it's such a beautiful place, you can go about having fun then, no problems, Seattle's weather decides to disappoint me. It rained in the Eastside over the weekend apparently, temperatures in downtown proper were near freezing, and this entire week has been incredibly unbelievably cold, barely any sun and temperatures in the low to mid thirties. I've had to turn on the heat in the apartment after like two months. And then the walks have been so much rarer because who the heck wants to head out in this drizzling freezing mess of weather? Aka things are not-so-good Which means I'll need to adjust to it ugh and I don't like doing that, I'd very much want to avoid that thank you very much. But here we are, with limited options and the weather will be like this for the next ten days, what a freaking bummer.

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