Friends forever

What I was going to write about with this topic I don't remember, ahh the good old folly of writing town the title of your posts several days in advance of writing the post with no notes or reminders about what one should write about. One wonders if this was about how I still hang out with the same group of friends I've always hung out with for the last 20 years, or the fact that i've got so many casual friends here and there, fortunate enough to crash for multiple days whenever the heart fancies, or perhaps this was about how my relationships with certain people have persisted despite several real tests of time, and mostly even thrived and once a friend always a friend unless either of the parties shows no interest in the matters of the other, which has happened in the past but yeah that's not really friendship then is it, just opportunistic social partnership that can break at any point. Guess one could say the same thing about relationships as well but with them there's more focus on actually being together and doing things part and not on...uh I know not, I guess the 'convenience' aspect. Though of course as friction to relationship formation has reduced, relationships have become more about convenience than longevity or stability. Which works for the short term and cross your fingers that it work in the long term as well, it's hard to tell.

Or maybe it's about the fact that it's looking like I'll always live like one long vacation forever, crashing with friends and chilling all the time regardless of the state in life I'm in or other people are, if they have babies so what, everybody needs an extra pair of hands to help around the house, specially with the new baby no? We'll...we'll wait five or six more years and see where we're at with the whole friends having babies situation, sounds hella scary tbqh. 

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