Should I become a teacher soon, or something

For those who may be concerned, likely to be me in the future, this was barely a serious consideration. I started thinking of it because SD, who lives in Virginia Beach apparently worked as an assistant teacher at an NY charter school and apparently there's program for professionals to transition from well-paying jobs into one of those jobs, and I thought maaaan I can be so inspirational to those kids, Imma change errybody's life and it'll be awesome.

I've already written about my fantasy/dream about becoming a drama teacher back in my school in kathmandu and encouraging kids to do whatever they wish to as long as they're not hurting anybody or getting me in trouble in anyway. I understand it's fantasy, of the strongest kind because films and movies tell us about those crazy awesome inspirational people who are the inspiration for movies and books and then die I think(?) and in the end all the students even the asshole dudes standup and go all like oh captain my captain.

But I dream, I dream, teenagers are awful, people are awful, and teaching involves not just educating but also managing literal children, it's not a picnic, it's hard work stressful and annoying, so demanding and very poorly paid. Ugh, wish things could change there.

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