This is of course a work of total fiction

 Some people will just date people out of no good reason than the fact that it's real super duper convenient to do so. Because the other side takes cares of them, constantly professes their love for them, and does everything to make their life simpler and more convenient. They don't bother on working on the emotional aspect because who really cares, as long as you give your presence, your body and commitment to them things are fine whatever, and it's so very obvious to the people around them how the dynamics is incredibly, so very incredibly lopsided. But like because one party cares about the whole situation a lot, and everybody hopes 'love will win all', things go on until the bored party decides to call it off because actually there are some people they're kinda' into who won't reciprocate but might and depending on how that goes there are things that can be worked, or because you know they felt guilty leading somebody incredibly nice and kind on and almost got married to them. Or the other party gets annoyed at the lack of return of affection and just...finds somebody who loves them, something that doesn't happen as much as it should.

The irony arises when then object of desire and love becomes the source of all that in a dynamic where the roles are reversed and they fail to notice the similarities and are very confused when their affections are not returned because they've gotten so used to easy love.

Some people have it rough in matters of the heart, one wonders if they're the lucky ones. Or does love really actually conquer all?

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