A snowy return from work [Monday 2]

Things I did today in reverse chronological order, here we go!

Spent the last hour-ish writing and reading getting in the writerly mood. Roommates BB PK and semi-roommate I were watching Kim's Convenience, I left an hour ago and BB went to sleep so it's PK's been watching it. He's almost finished the first season. Also did 50 pushups, twenty more to go. Just as I'm writing this, finished reading a page from The Light Fantastic. Observation: love how Pratchett anthropomorphizes everything to the point of of absurdity: His bones were very hurt and angry and were lining up to complain about it.

Spent a solid hour watching tv with the guys and catching up post-thanksgiving in general. Folks have been talking about how great NYC is, and considering moving there, pros and cons were considered. For the record that's not in my top-100 priorities. Had dinner of leftover noodles from last night, with chips cheese and sour cream that roommate BB had around for his chilly. Roommate BB made amazing Chilli that I can't eat because meat which everyone absolutely loved and has been a bumper hit in the household. Folks' greatest complaint has been that it was so filling they couldn't eat more despite wanting to.

Napped for an hour/hour-and-half after coming from work. Went to bed very late last night so head hurt the whole day, needed to make up for that. Had planned on going to Wegman's to get groceries and fruits but that was not possible due to the snowstorm. There are hopes around the household that it'll snow enough for making working from home tomorrow possible but it's up in the air literally at this point.

Commute home was quite regular and unremarkable though the strong gusts of winds and the snowfall in the dark evening (it was only 5.20 but it felt like 11pm) was something to look at since it was so...different... from how things used to be only two months ago. Summer had made me forget how brutal Boston winters are. Now I'm aware again.

Left work slightly later than usual because was talking to coworker KB. Her product has made it to the market, and she's excited about where it's going. She took one of her large office plants home because they didn't feel cared-for at work. Work was productive today -- got lots of catching-up and helping of the coworkers done before lunch and presentation from the conference done after.

Got a eggplant parm sub from a mediocre place below our office for lunch. The sandwich was just mediocre but it felt great catching up with the old coworker gang and eating with them. I haven't eaten them in a long while. It was a really social day as well and a productive day -- everyone got caught up on everyone else's thanksgiving happenings. The monday breakfasts that we were supposed to get at 10 arrived at 4 in the evening and they gave us crappy cereal at 10.30. Lots of jokes were made.

Morning commute was pretty good too, walking in the slush sucked but the traffic wasn't awful and the trains were remarkably empty. Also even though roommate PK left five minutes earlier than I did we ended up in the same bus which was a nice turn of events.

Had to wait for a half-hour in the morning because restroom was occupied and was too tired to use the time productively. Got up late, and didn't want to wake up at all because I'd gone to sleep at 2.30 in the morning last night since we were full house at that time and got caught up with roommates SM and PK. Seriously considered working from home in the morning but felt it'd be more productive at office which it was! Need to sleep before midnight going onwards!

Have started following the old timetable generally, pretty hyped for that!

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