Xfinity has fucked me over real bad with their shitty internet connection

This will be quick, because there's only so mad I can get at a single time or my anger reserves get depleted.

I wrote in these very pages several weeks ago how I'd decreased my internet bill in half while getting four times the internet speed. So the first payment was confusing because they charged me a lot more than I was expecting, which was a cause of concern. But later they clarified that they'd give me credit for the overcharged amount and my internet costs were in fact only 25 buckaroos a month. For 200 Mbps. Yeah good deal whatever.

The situation at hand is this: the internet connection gets terrible every 30 minutes or so, completely dropping video calls and audio calls. So I can't have a smooth meeting experience with coworkers because I'll get disconnected or have audio-video issues three times in an hour. So frustrating, specially since this was supposed to fix all my internet issues. I should call them to fix it but I can't be arsed because what can they even do? Did some research online and looks like there's bugs in the router's software stack and that could be causing my issues. How would one go about updating that though? Sounds like so much work.

Hope this just fixes itself aaaa.

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