The point of it all

The point of it all -- the maniacal pace of posting that has been happening in the past five months almost -- is to build a consistent writing habit...muscle practice for writing muscles if you will... I haven't considered the from too much -- I have a bit and tried making these as interesting readable as possible, experimented with various techniques but the real purpose has never been to write something people want to read. It has been to purely write for writing's sake, to start on the path of a consistent writing habit so I may be able to write regularly when I do start producing good content.

Last night's post regarding 'living an interesting life is a necessity for writing about people who live interesting lives' was an exaggeration in retrospect. This is after all, fiction. Lies. It doesn't have to a realistic portrayal, readers need to want to believe it and it'll have worked. That's one of the main reasons why I write fiction -- all sorts of lies and falsehoods can be written about and no one will check the veracity of those.

The ultimate point though, something I had hoped to accomplish by last year but at this rate might take a few years going onwards, was and always has been to write a novel. Maybe a book even if I can't make it novel-length. That's the reason I write thematic elements and write them in chains. It's unclear if I'm getting any closer to that. In terms of just writing, yes, someone who writes 3000 words a day is more likely to complete a novel than someone who writes 100 a day barely, true. In terms of kinds of writings however, is it really more likely that someone who mostly writes daily journals or dairies or newspaper articles regularly write a novel than someone who does none of those? It's maybe marginally likelier, but how much so I have begun doubting.

If I want to still write a novel, I need to be in that track. Not that I should behave if that's the prime directive above everything else, but that should be a consideration. Writing self-involved shit and maybe reviews is cool and I'm happy excited I do this all. I want to do more. I should think of it as increasing the number of repetitions in a workout plan. It's going to suck and hurt for a while and you'll be more tired and grumpy after working out, but if the workout plan doesn't get any more intense, the gains start plateauing. I am not happy with the writing gains I have right now, I want more. Hence, I must work harder in the novel-writing direction. The journal and fiction-practice can stay, have to stay since you always need a basic warmup workout before you get into the real deal, but the real real fiction writing has to be begun right about now. I'm warmed up enough.

I should listen to what I say here:

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