Recipe for a romantic sitcom, likely


Guys: 4 (youngish, but not too young or else the balance will be thrown off)
Girls: 3 (two who are ideally in their mid-to-late twenties, one who's in early-twenties)
Apartments: 4
Roommates: 4 (don't have to be friendly)
Regular bars: 3
Regular clubs: 2
Random people: 7 (not too many, or else the whole thing falls apart)
Heat: lots
Partners: To taste, but not more than 4, or the will-they-won't-they fails
Locations: Beside apartments, clubs and bars, mountains, hikes, lakes, forests, cars, and parks


1. Combine the girls and guys in various combinations and order of addition until they blend in together. Remember, it's unlikely that any addition in this step is irreversible unless you turn on the heat high at start, so you can always pick things out, and try to add them in a different order. One at a time, don't rush, it's very likely your random combination will work in SOME order or another.

2. Once they've blended reasonably well, turn on the heat.

 3. Sprinkle the mixture all over regular bars and clubs so they gel in together. Add partners to taste, and garnish with a decent side of random people and roommates.

4. When a good goop of girls, guys, roommates, randos, and partners forms, shift the mixture to apartments and various locations. If you're feeling adventurous, add riskier locations.

5. Turn the heat on, way wayyyy high.

6. You know you're ready when sparks fly and the mixture starts sweating, gets dark circles and starts complaining maybe they need to rest during the weekend and they're not young anymore.

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