Sound sleep, subway footlong, hangout and dinner and BC's, ricewine and beans [Sun 3]

Slept soundly during the morning, it was refreshing after a long time. Cleaned the apartment, wrote a bunch in the morning, went for a walk. Had a subway footlong for 6 bucks for lunch, it was very filling. Maybe shouldn't have eaten it all in one sitting.

In the evening I went to BC's place with fruits kefir and my kefir cheese. We (or she mostly) made burger, of the vegetarian nature, talked about women, and played with Ruby the doggo. I put my cheese in the burger and yuuum it was perfect, the sourness and crumble of the burger went perfectly with the fattiness of the burger.

Back home I steamed sticky rice and started the first ever batch of ricewine. Something went wrong there because the rice was far too dry. Regardless my first batch has begin. Also cooked black-eyed beans in water to start a tempe batch. Haven't gotten around to doing it because I don't trust the tempe as starter anymore.

Also fried tempe in the morning and dipped it in sweet asian dipping sauce, so good.

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