Answering common questions about the new geopolitical alliance we're part of now

Q: Wait, what's happening now?
A: As you will have surely heard, our country is now a member of a prestigious new geopolitical alliance, that's only going to grow our prestige, influence, and respect around the globe, and will enhance co-operation with allied countries.

Q: Okay, cool, who else is the member?
A: There's a bunch of countries in it, mostly unrelated ones, in fact most of them have their sworn nemeses joining in too so that complicates situation a bit, but isn't it so very great, bringing enemies together in the same forum, getting them to talk things out and accomplish wonderful goals? This is the ultimate dream if there was ever one!

Q: What exactly is the goal?
A: Bringing countries together, and forming alliances, and doing great things. Like other developed countries, who won't let us in because of various reasons, but we have now made our own cool club and nobody needs to let us in, so this is an incredible achievement we should all be very proud of!

Q: What exactly are we trying to achieve?
A: Many things. Progress, Growth, Development. Peace, global peace. Food for all. Eradication of diseases. With such a great alliance, everything is possible all of a sudden, and we are putting more effort than ever before to make everything come true. This was the original dream of our forefathers and we are finally bringing it to fruition. Cause for great national celebration!

Q: What have been the achievements to date?
A: Well we've put out a tonne of press releases, we've met a few times, and we've claimed to be planning to do some great things. Additionally, our group is growing and growing and only keeps growing, and all the kids, the cool ones, want to be our members! Sounds like the greatest achievement of all to us, if there was ever one!

Q: No like, how will we benefit from it in material terms?
A: In various ways, both short-term and long-term, including building alliances, holding conferences, improving international relations, and bringing people from various countries together. By doing this we're aspiring for global peace and harmony. What more could you possibly want, you dumfuck.

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