More library membership

This will be short and sweet.

I got a membership of a new library system, the King County Library system. Turns out people in Seattle can get membership there, and Seattle public library system is not compatible with them, but you can interlibrary loan from them, and also return their books at SPL. Once you get the membership, in person, you can also borrow books and use e-resources. The e-resources are apparently one of the country's most generous ones, and don't need physical presence to borrow. Plus they have 3d printers and a makerspace and they'll give you trainings etcetera so something worth looking at if I want to explore more into the 3d printer world.

Hoarding library memberships while not reading much has been a bad habit of mine for a while now, but if the membership guilts me into reading even a few books then it'll all have been worth it!

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