Water kefir updates

Note: This post was recorded and transcribed by Google recorder app. It has been heavily edited. I coulda' written this faster.

Here is an update on my water Kefir experiments. First the project has been going gangbusters, actually, the first batch turned out really nice and tart. And then I bottled the kefir with some store-bought juice, air-tight. Left out for a couple of days until the bottles swelled up, and put it in the fridge. And damn that's the best soda I've ever made. It was fizzy. And not offensive or pungent  kombucha, which is not everybody's cup of tea. It was sweet but not like store-bought soda. And it was so very refreshing. I could see making myself a Lemon sea salt kefir. It's James Acaster's favourite and I could see myself making and dringing it regularly. The water kefir pressurizing has been going great too. On the other hand, the second batch has been super slow... I added some sugar and it's  taking forever to ferment.

I'm wondering if it's the temperature or if the grains need other nutrition behind besides sugar. Because if it's temperature, then I can definitely put it in my temperature control box and improve it. And honestly, if the time turn around time is three or four days, it doesn't bother me, as long as i'm making more than i'm drinking. Water kefir has worked out incredibly well. I'm loving it.

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