Seven ways you think you're a mega-mastermind but really you're just a rich moron

  1.  Is everybody laughing at your multibillion bet that you think was a genius 8-dimensional move that your customers are making fun of you for? You're the moron, oops!

  2. Are most of your supporters and fans mostly young, single men, who women would rather not associate with, mostly due to their association with your brand? You're the moron, sorry!

  3. Do your existing customers absolutely hate your guts, are embarrassed by literally every single thing you do, and beg you to shut the fuck up and not make their lives harder? You're it!

  4. Do your children hate you, not in a parent-child way but in a hated-awful-parent way? Yeahh man, it's probably on you.

  5. Are most of the bots supporting your also sharing online in favor of nazis, racists and other losers, who ain't going that far and whose only claim to fame is that they have not been literally banned from the internet? You're the loser bucko!

  6. Do your employees agree with literally every small brainfart you have, but then leak everything you say to the media and present you in a negative light. guess what?

  7. Does your mommy have to come online to protect you from other people, who you're trying to bully away from the internet? Yeah, you're the loser now dude.

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