Reducing my cell phone usage: getting an eink device

In the entirety of the day on Friday, I spent shopping for an e-ink phone or an e-ink reader. They's still a 300-dollar E-ink phone in my cart on aliexpress, they've even emailed me a reminder to process it. But now I don't know if wanna go through with the purchase. Because the phone by itself in terms of the specs isn't that good. And it's really difficult to use with google services. $300 is a lot of money to blow on an e-ink device. And in the end I don't know if I'm going to be using it a lot, you know. It's more about self-control than about the actual technology. And yeah, I don't have much self-control right now, but how much better is it going to get if i buy, an eink phone? Because what's going to end up happening is I'm going to be on my computer or my other cell phone all the time anyway.

If that happens, I'll be out of 300 dollars, I'll still not be reading anymore, and now I'll have a shitty phone to use. In the end I decided not to buy an e-ink phone. But then, this morning I was thinking about buying a much cheaper and simpler e-ink device that looks like a phone, at hundred dollars. But it's actually not a fun. Then again, the question becomes, what's the value in it? Originally I  thought it would be an easy replacement for my phone. You know how people are so habituated to using phone. All the time that they're satiated if you replace the phones with a block of soap.

But then I'm going to be spending a hundred dollars on a block of soap to look at. If i really, really want to read, i can still do that right now  instead of like random websites in twitter, reddit and whatnot. I can still read ebooks. There's nothing actually stopping me. It's my self-control. So it's looking like, I'm not going to be buying any ebook device, or cell phone in e-ink, even though I spent eight hours yesterday, looking it up online and doing all the research and skipping my walk.

What a waste of time that was Yeah. Hopefully, start reading the books. I have hundreds of books that I meticulously downloaded. And categorize and organized and converted. Uploaded to my devices. There's one ereader in my living room right in next to my laptop, and there's one in my bedroom right next to my bed, but i have actually not read us single complete page of any book on either of those devices in two weeks. It's really, really embarrassing.

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