
 Your desires:
forever forbidden
in a cage
of your own making,
find an escape
the really long way out,
and comeback...
with a retribution..


A full-body
a speeding heart,
a blushing face
a giggling demeanor
thrumming (thrumming, thrumming)
lady part,
your body has
lost it mind...
And the cure:
as they know from dogs,
a cold shower
to overpower
your base desire.

The cold water
will smother, Surely,
the embers of fire
that cause you to burn,
but what water can douse
fires deep within
that envelope you periodically
with hot flowing liquid,
that burns your skin
and exposes the feelings within?

So surrender now
to the sweet warm flame,
weaken your sturdy knees
and fall down and yield
to the intoxicating haze,
close your eyes and breathe in deep
and see within yourself
what my eye sees:
an Apsara, conquerer of the sages
of the seven worlds
a ball of intense flame,
that shall soon explode
into ball of ecstatic shame.

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