Disappointing brinner, evening nap, writing catchup, timely sleep, repaired phone [Wed 23]

 The entire morning half of the day was a total and complete waste of time. Nothing worth talking about except the things I didn't do: I didn't go for morning walk because didn't feel like it, didn't eat anything because not hungry enough, except the banana and fruit that's sorta' become my 'thing'.

So busy at work, too many meetings. Got a bunch of things written here though, so some good outcome.

In the evening, after work ended I was dying with hunger because the entire day I'd spent on nuts and fruits and chocolate. So I did the stupidest laziest thing possible. Heated like a sixth of a stick of butter until it completely melted, threw down garlic sauce, garlic, soy sauce and something else that was spicy, toasted a couple of slices of bread, dipped them into the garlic butter and that was my brinner. Brunch-dinner. That's it. It wasn't enough for my body obviously, which is why it started acting weirdly.

So I slept. I napped for two hours in the evening. Such sound sleep. Great times! I should be napping more often, naps shouldn't have to fuck up one's sleeping matter, what a bummer.

Felt refreshed and full of energy so wrote so many posts. Like I'm caught up after this post finally even planned novel, did some character planning and created character arcs. Going into details of the character later, but basic character outlining is done. Next comes expanding 5 lines into 25 lines, a page, page and a half summary of the novel. There's not going to be much in the name of 'plot' since it's supposed to be a character-driven novel, which means I don't know how to write scenes where something happens and move the plot along. NO matter I'll keep trying and trying until I learn. Which is actually not the best way to learn things, but this is MY life so unless you have help to offer, please don't comment okay.

So my phone was pretty much fully repaired, hadn't yet put in the screen and backplate together with glue but used it throughout the day. Realized how much I missed and loved that trusty old nokia. If I hadn't fucked things up royally I'd have gotten there five days ago and with 30 bucks in my pocket but the screen would be broken so a little bit on this, a little bit on that.

Went to bed at 11.20'ish, could have gone at 10.30, smartly realized no sleep would take place anyway so wrote a bunch more. Actually slept at half past twelve possibly even better but it doesn't matter I slept on time and got a lot of exciting writing done, it's an encouraging sign for the things to come in the future.

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