Walks, leftover lunch, Entourage, low-key evening [Wed 9]

I write this 6pm of the next day because of laziness-related reason we'll talk about later.

Got up at 7, out of the house in five minutes, walked halfway to assembly square in twenty-five minutes, and back. If I can improve my pace, I'll be right at Assembly Square TJ's in that time, can buy myself something nice during the walk. Gives the entire thing a purpose, kinda.

Work was low, very low motivation, got some things done and not others.

Had leftover beans with veggies for lunch, added two eggs and made a nice burrito. It was quick, filling and healthy.

After work forced myself to write a little bit, watched several episodes of Entourge. Couldn't make myself write at all until midnight and then after the forced bit didn't sleep well because I got distracted by the podcast I use to put myself to sleep. Slept at 2am, maybe a little after for no good reason.

Annoying day, I was very disappointed by not being able to write on command, spending three hours waiting for 'inspiration', and then just half-assing it anyway because of course that's how it was going to go either way. I need to make myself understand that writing later is not going to improve the quality of my writing. Need to set tight deadlines and timers to do the writing. That's how it was back in Jan, and that's how it's going to be going forward.

Listened to a TONNE of podcasts though, so that's productive.

Haven't gotten my worklife any more organized yet, and feel really bad about that. Got to do something about that.

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