Rice and veggies, long walks, triple grocery store, Kimchi, baked dinner [Sun 13]

 Got up later than usual, it was weekend after all! And it wasn't a Sunday for me yet because I took Monday off! SO really had fun with it!

Slow start to the day, with a bunch of resource-gathering on my recent hobbies and what not. For lunch I had rice, with canned lentils that I bought half a year ago from the hispanic aisle that desperately needed finishing, and cooked up some bokchoy with soy sauce and garlic. A lot of garlic lots of garlic so much garlic yum. Roommate BB and R loved the smell of it, they ordered their meal from Tasty Burger but the smell of my lunch still enchanted them hurray.

Since I was doing kitchen stuff anyway, I cleaned up and cut the carrots I hadn't been eating for the past three weeks. Freakin' finally got them used so there's not too much unused groceries left. The concept of buying exactly what you plan on eating and buying only for a few short days ahead seems like a total win to me.

The rice and veggies was so good I got lazy, watched entourage for a couple of episodes. I'm actually done with season 2 and into season 3. May have written about the show in there right about that time too because I was so in the mood and didn't want to forget.

Since I didn't get out in the morning, headed out on grocery tour or just a regular walk at three or half past such. Originally planned on making it a multi-hour journey into Boston and back, backed out of it because didn't really have much to do in Boston and the day would be over walking, there'd not be much time and energy for me to do anything else.

Walked all the way to porter, then to the dollar tree nearby. Bought a cream and an icecream that I had only half of before accidentally dropping it. Walked to Union Square, got into Market Basket was it me or was there nothing interesting for me to see, perhaps the rice lunch and the dessert had filled me up a bit too much. Something I did notice is that Market Basket has a much wider selection of fruits and veggies compared to Wegmans. Wegmans just has seven different kinds of potatoes, MB has nine varieties of tubers for example. Those are not the exact numbers.

Went to the Korean store to check if there's anything good, if I'm missing anything for my kimchi plans. Everything seemed so expensive and I didn't find something I really needed. Bought a non-carbonated sweet milk-based mango-flavored drink called Calpico, hope it's korean or has something to do with the area because I spent three of my cash dollars, the only ones in my wallet on it.

On the walk back, talked to friend N about our future travel plans, I might be getting included in the crazy cool plans they're making. We'll see how it pans out, I'm eager to take a vacation in two weeks but fate may have other plans.

For dinner I microwaved two potatoes, baked them in our toaster oven with lots of spices and garlic, dumped a bunch of cheese on it, and had it. I used white potatoes, and note to myself they're terrible for doing roasted potatoes should have gone with Russet or Idaho potatoes, should have known better. Like with my onions I should really research what the different potatoes are for before buying.

Meanwhile I cut all the cabbages, radish garlic and onion for my kimchi. The cutting took a solid hour at least. Then two hours to get the cabbages salted and wilted. Half ohur to sauce them and clean them. Another half two bottle them.

By the time I was done, about 11, maybe half past that, I was exhausted and smelling a lot like kimchi. Tried sleeping, too tired to sleep well, hit a couple of friends up, nobody replied, and before I could check up on them I fell asleep. Without charging my phone. Big mistake.

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