Oat pancakes, boring workday, walk workout, friend meetup, fish tacos, long chats and warns, latenight call [Mon 28]

 I write this five days from the day this happened, backdating this for a couple of days, so this is going to be a succinct summary of the happenings of the day.

Woke up probably late and lazy, didn't go on walks. Was super duper bored throughout the day. It was my first day with the team so I didn't even focus or have anything to do. So bored in fact that was chatting up with people all day long.

For lunch I had the oat pancakes. Good, healthy, I like them. Should have them more often. This was my attempt at savory oat pancakes I think, with cheese inside. It didn't work exactly as I hoped it would, but savory pancakes are not at all as bad of an idea as Americans think.

After work decided to go on a long and intense walk, body aches all around because I may have overdone it. Met up SB, it was fun though since we were both in hurry, we couldn't catch up for as long as we wanted to. Got back, felt tired and suddenly low, had the gigglies from roommates to feel better. Had taco shell with lotsa yellow rice beans and veggies, they had fish tacos I had everything but the fish. It was a massive massive meal, I felt quite full and rotund, couldn't walk straight truth be told.

Talked with SS [Phd] and friend AB on the chat for a very long time, called AB and told her to at least start considering backup plans if things here go south because that's something worth thinking about now. Sad but true.

Went to bed at 11.30 ish couldn't sleep. That's something strange I've been experiencing, the gigglies don't make me giggle and don't make me be sleepy like they used to. Couldn't sleep so hit up SK who was VERY much awake and we talked. And talked and talked.

Until 4 am.

She says in the stupor of sleeplessness there were so many jokes that I tried making that made zero sense that I had to abandon but there was one joke in my opinion and it was just so much exaggeration.

Went to sleep at what must have been a little after 4.

A tiring, exhilarating, confusing, way too long day.

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