Late to be up, inspirational catchups, great fried rice, movies, walk, nap, youtube dinner and catchup, lazy day [Sun 27]

 I write this at 11.35 of the same day. Because I didn't do any posts the entire weekend I'm in post-deficit by 6 after this. If I get get two more posts written before I got to sleep, it won't be that much of a catch-up tomorrow. Some weekends are more productive in terms of writing this was just so goddamn busy and tiring despite not working on a big project.

Got up late because I went to sleep at 3am the night before. After getting up I talked for 2 hours with BK, an  hour with TD, and spent like 45 minutes staring at the ceiling. PK 'tricked' me into turning the leftover rice from the night before into fried rice, I got carried away with it and spent a good half hour making it. Just one whole onion, tonne of ginger-garlic paste, many different spices, lots of rice, soy sauce, cut kimchi, and five scrambled eggs slightly cooked. PK was unreasonably happy about it in the evening -- PK and ND had already had their lunch by the time I was done -- but he has low standards with food, we already know that.

Roommate BB and R came back from their really amazing day out in the cape it seemed amazing, they got close to sharks, saw seals, had the high tide come right upto their tables in the restaurant, heated swimming pools and what not. What an amazing time they had this weekend. Timeshares are not a total and complete scam after all as long as you get very very lucky and can time it right and are so bad at math or uncaring you don't want to run the numbers on how much money you'd be spending on hotel rooms otherwise.

ND was watching the hindi movie eenglish veenglish, watched a little bit of it couldn't handle because it's too sad and touching. Packed up went for a walk. Went uphill to winterhill all the way to Boston ave and walked back. I've done it in 45 minutes, fifty max, this time it took me an hour and a half because there wasn't much energy in my body. I'm not well rested yet unfortunately and the weekend's over. Wish something good happens so I can get my energy back.

After getting back [or was it before going] I napped for an hour/hour-and-half while ignoring weird squeaky noises that roommate BB says was the sound of our neighbor doing woodworking. Thank god for that because I thought it was people having sex.

Watched youtube for an hour or so, hungout with ND PK and BB in the common room, had dinner took compliments for the food, got caught on on the happenings of the day. Came to my room, just stared at the sky, checked time-wasting sites and did nothing. Finally got myself to start writing at the end of the weekend because it's important, for my habit and for documentation.

Really should write a bit more this evening.

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