Kimchi sandwich, fixed phone, solid walk, entourage, king of the world [Tue 22]

Went to bed at 12.15, after writing for an hour and half or so.

It's been troubling recently, with the politics and what not. Having to convince myself everything is fine, the world is not burning. Really hope the world is not burning, and I'm not like that dog who's in the middle of the fire drinking tea.

Preceding that, roommates both insisted I try some of the gigglies before that, been trying to avoid it, they insisted said it was a new flavor or whatever. One puff and I was out, don't enjoy it at all. Raided the kitchen for the pasta they made and almost finished the leftovers. Stared at the tv, and watched the last couple of episodes of James May in Japan. Good show and now it's done. I can write now. Quite proud of myself that I got writing even after feeling the gigglies. Need to be more disciplined with it.

That was after I watched two episodes of Entourage, we're in season four almost and I'm getting bored. We all are. As I write this the next evening at 8.20, roommates outside are watching The Office instead of it. We're over it, the formulaic execution is boring and the jokes aren't great enough to pull it off. Besides, it's aged poorly.

At 6.40 I headed out for a walk, my regular route towards assembly, cross the river, to the par, walk to Wegmans etcetera. Chilled by wegmans for half an hour or so, needed to buy tempeh and chip clips didn't find either. Bought a bottle of seltzer because gotta' have something from the long trip.

After work caught up on writing, listened to podcasts, hung out with roommates, watched youtubes etcetera.

Starting at 4, until about 5, worked towards fixing my phone, the post has been published detailing what happened and what I did. I was feeling bored, just for fun, unscrewed all the parts and put in the charging circuit. Couple of minutes later as I felt bored again, removed the front screen completely and installed the new ditigizer screen combo. Waited for some more time and put it all together. Some time even after that glued the back end of the phone. It's poorly put on and is coming apart, need to redo that. And the front screen is not glued in at all, it's just sticking due to the cover. I'm afraid I'm going to break this all after the long journey. Need to work on that.

Woke up early, two posts in the morning, went out for walk in the nearby park, one round and back. Work was slow and lazy, couple of meetings etcetera. For lunch I got quite creative, had it a little later than usual: two slices of toasted bread, hummus heaped generously on one, mayo on other, cheese piled on one, bean mixed on another, slices of pickle and kimchi added on top. Forced it all together into a sandwich and yum! It wasn't bad, and if I worked the bread right and tweaked the flavor combinations a bit, this could be a legit thing they could be selling in the stores. People have already done it obviously I looked up on google and youtube, but this could go mainstream, it's that good.

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