Early wake, wegmans walk and poop, meetingful day, lazy but true walk, heavy dinner, American pie, hindi movie, the feelies [Thu 24]

 Things have been going well, walk and wake wise in very recent days. I say that as I write the day after at 8.30 in the morning, having ignored the morning walk plan completely because my favourite podcast was up despite getting up at 7 and not going back to sleep. One baby step at a time. Step. Step. Step

This day, I put an alarm for 6.50, kept snoozing till 7.20, headed out for a walk, went to wegmans, used their bathroom. Morning bathroom in our household is tricky as roommate BB spends a conservative hour in there after coming back from his walks, which has led to many a potentially uhh explosive situation around here, fortunately no accidents for me. Not yet anyway. That has been a motivation for many a man in here to find alternative places to relieve the pressure so to speak at an early hour. When I was in Wegman's I toured the bathroom and used it, as an evaluation for early morning emergency evacuation. Guess what, I already knew this and have written about it in the past, but that was one of the most peaceful, nice bathroom experiences. Again. Wegman's bathrooms rock so hard. Honh honh honh.

So yeah, used bathroom, ambled about the store looking for anything good to buy. Nothing, couldn't find whatever I may have been looking for. Tempeh was not there, that's something I'm looking to start experimenting with again so that was bit of a bummer but I hear you can't use premade tempeh as a starter since they pasteurize or sterilize them before selling. Woulda been cool to try. The entire trip took a solid hour, could have been even more. In all that time I could have done one of my longer walk circuits but wouldn't have been able to use the bathroom with such freedom. Tradeoffs tradeoffs.

By the time I was back there was no time to write anything, signed into work right away. It was gonna be a long long day for me with six meetings on my schedule three of them hour-long. The workday wasn't too bad. For lunch I had toast with scrambled eggs slathered in butter, and the last of my beans mix. Turned it all into a beany eggy sandwich, mayo and hummus slathered on the breads. Tasted like breakfast burrito, that's what it was too.

After work and during lunch I spent some time gluing my phone back together. The work's not perfect it still smells like glue, the back plate is coming apart due to uneven force applied and the phone is uncomfortably snug perhaps even sticking a little bit out of its cover but there's no problem as long as the phone works I'm happy. The glue work is horrible it'll probably wear out. And um while trying to pry the screen apart I hurt the screen a teeny weeny bit so there's a dark transparent 'smudge' internal to the screen, but nothing that cannot be lived with. You live and learn.

After work did a bunch of writing, took a nice long shower with a long series of powerful songs by women. I'm going to write about WAP soon, unclear what it's going to be but there's going to be a post here soon so gotta look out for that. Went on a walk, didn't feel like it, thought it was going to be short, but had earphones on and legs on the walk just kept on going so I took the 'city' route, took me an hour and ten minutes. Too long but I walked despite feeling a tired and weary.

After getting back talked to roommate PK. ND was over too. Roommate BB is gone to the Cape to his mom's timeshare, we made jokes about that during the day. Talked a bunch, couldn't find anything agreeable to watch. We watched the first American pie movie, people didn't believe me when I told them it was the first time I was seeing the movie. It's pretty good, but it's not something i'd go total bonkers over. Funny yeah.

Made dinner as we watched the movie. Garlic bread, melted cheese on one side, hummus slathered on the other, kimchi in between. Four slices of those and boy o boy I'm probably done for today too which is the next day. It was amazing, so filling. Toasted it u in our relatively new toaster oven and the strange thing is it toasts the slice so goddamn fast it's hard to keep up with the instructions that are for conventional oven. But the savings in electricity oof, I'm happy about that.

Oh yeah, in the morning got PN's gift they sent me a package of Campden tablets, said they're sending a bunch of more things. I was embarrassed I said because that'd mean I'd have to send so much more to them for their housewarming. ND started watching Dil Chahta Hai movie, I listened to a very old hindi song got the feelies, spent the following to hours listening to the entire series of hindi songs finally convinced myself to do some crap writing here, went to bed at 12.15 or so slept soon after.

It was a co-incidence that we listened to touching old songs, in my walk I was just thinking how I don't listen to much songs so it's really easy for my mood to change when I do listen. People listen to enjoy songs I mostly do to change my mood or just do it when I'm 'addicted'. So strange.

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