Morning walk, long conversation, ego boost, long walk turned short, guests, fun, sad news of rbg's death, heart-to-heart conversations [Fri 18]

Got up on time, couldn't get up for a full walk, so just went to the nearby park and took a round or two. So chill. I've realized morning walks are an absolute necessary if I want to sleep on time in the evenings. Also got some solid writing in the morning, which in the end didn't work out great because I took it easy in the evening and now I'm suffering for it my cramming many posts at an hour past midnight.

In the morning at work started a new project. Conversation with manager went great. Didn't feel like eating lunch so had a bar of 85% dark chocolate and nuts. It was quite filling.

Had several conversations with friends from all over. It's always great when people tell you good things about yourself, some things you've never considered and you're flying in the clouds because some ideas and skills and things you have you didn't imagine them to be in the universe of things you'd be great with but here you are what are you gonna do.

After work roommate PK informed he invited some folks over. I headed out for my walk, the 'urban' one, which had taken me 50+ minutes a couple of evenings previously. It took me a little less than 45 minutes with ample opportunities to take it below 40. Now I'm thinking I should extend the walking route because before I started it felt like it was a long way off but now I realize I could easily do two, perhaps three rounds of the route in not too long. It's my walking times improving but also realizing where to speed up and slow down [speed up in the downhill, take it easy in the first part of uphill climb, go the fastest on the final approach of an uphill climb]. Thought about doing the same circuit for another round but that seemed rude so got back home.

Back home a guest had already arrived, SP who lives in backbay and the host of the party held in March came in. We got caught up, gave shit asked questions about why the other hadn't gotten married etcetera. As it turns out he's really been into dog videos, afrobeats and dancing to the WAP which I should write about someday once it goes away from the limelight. Later JS came in too and I offered them my garlic candy and popcorn from the day before. They enjoyed the snacks a bit. ND came in a bit later, he's been busy lately as she started work at a new place and the commute hours are rough on her. We didn't get a lot to talk but we agreed we needed to catch up.

We had dinner of roommate PK's cooking. Roommate BB was gone up North as usual. PK made rice and dal plus broccoli for ND and I, and chicken for the boys. His chicken cooking skills are improving rapidly though he will still feel shy to add all the oil that he should add. We listened to many songs, danced to a bunch mostly SP and I. JS had a heck of a time taking videos of us having fun.

Got news of Rbg's death, a real bum out we are really scared about the future of this country and us, the future of the world even. I said I couldn't take it and we all did a round of the gigglies i did too because it was really sad and I needed to be distracted. It made me feel better, I didn't overdo it so the conversations were chill and great. JS left early a little after midnight because he had to drive back. SP stayed around 2 we had a heck of a conversation, and good times were had. All of us went to our bed a little after 2. At least this was a Friday though.

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