Friend calls, fruity lunch, home tour, Costco trip, tenoch, brokenest phone and hope, evening nap [Sun 20]

 Got up at 9, having slept at 1.30, rested in bed because it was so freaking cold outside. Didn't even know what time it was until PN called to catch up. Realized it was sunny outside by looking at their background and seeing the bright blue sky. They were having a picnic and I wasn't even out of my blanket. Nice conversation, they offered to get me some equipment for upcoming projects, we'll see how that evolves.

For lunch I finished the last of my remaining grapes, two bananas, lots of ginger syrup and some feta. So good at full. The syrup was surprisingly spicy. Watched Our Man in Japan with ND who was chilling with her after a hectic working weekend day. Friend VS said he'd visit, I was waiting for his call but he showed up at the door, apparently the downstairs door was open. Our first-floor neighbor has not been closing the door and I'm a little pissed about that.

Got caught up with VS, showed him the apartment gave him a tour of all the projects I have been working on. When he was about to leave PK said maybe we should go to costco so VS and I went, getting mostly toilet supplies, a hundred bucks worth of because that's what we need. The lines were incredibly long, they snaked around the other end of the store and back, but it being a Sunday evening one couldn't expect anything else.

I offered the Costco lunch to VS because I like the place and its food he said he'd take me up on the offer if it was any other place. We drove to Tenoch in Medford square, both of us got Tortas, the usual. He said he was over tex-mex, having lived in tex for the last decade and a half, I made fun of that said the we didn't have texmex here, only mexmex. Interestingly, he hadn't had tortas despite living in a state right next to Mexico for a really long time.

We got back, unloaded the stuff and we got him set with a nice big jar of kombucha. I needed the jar back, I said, didn't care for the kombucha definitely cared for the jar.

I rested for a bit, watched youtube and everything talked to folks a bunch. Decided to fix my phone in a bit. And unknowingly really screwed it up as I've explained in a previous post. Don't want to get into more with that since it's so painful. However roommate BB gave me hope, made me realize I'd only broken one another easily-replaceable thing in the phone, and I might as well fix that since it was broken anyway. So now I am replacing my phone's charging board as well as the screen/digitizer combo. If this works, and it has to because I'm going insane with the piece of shit phone that i bought five years ago and was already crap for its time and intend to crush it into tiny little pieces and throw the pieces into a volcano hopefully nuking the entire fucking mountain of it so all the individual molecules are spread wide apart, unable to bother anyone again. Anyway, there's hope, there's need there's desire. I have to do it, I am left with no other option.

So pissed at myself napped for a couple of hours in the evening. Talked to SK we made plans to write it never materialized. Got up at 9, watched tv, forced myself to write a little and tried going to sleep. Didn't actually sleep until a bit after midnight because my body had other plans but at least I got the evening nap.

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