Eight things to NOT say in the Hindu heaven

  1. Say, anyone heart of a Yeshu Khrist guy here, old Musaa, anyone? I was expecting to find them here...They've gotta to be here somewhere...

  2. Yum, I would KILL for some A1 Kobe beef, if this is literally heaven shouldn't there be an infinity of it?
  3. Okay so let me get this straight, people who sleep with their family get sent to be tortured, unless they're a super duper god in which case everyone just looks elsewhere super awkwardly and pretends nothing is wrong?
  4. I don't get why 'be kind and peaceful towards everyone' doesn't apply for everyone, specially the Gods.
  5. It's unfair that the Gods wanting to boink religious powerful kind knowledgeable people's wives is quickly forgiven but regular people do that and they're condemned into hell for all eternity.
  6. Wait why are none of my friends with a sligtly different name not here, despite them having done just as well as I did, if not better?
  7. So you're telling me that she didn't get in because she was an overachiever and accomplished way beyond what was in her plate and that is not expected her, and is therefore irreligious and evil? That. Sounds. So. Wrong?
  8. Hmm, maybe I prefer the land of the fat man with big mustache who rides on the water buffalo.

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