What to do if you're good at things you can't brag about

I can't tell you what it is. It's not profitable in this economy in any manner, not even if the world was structured remarkably different and economic system was unlike anything we'd ever see. It just doesn't work out, the money of it. So rule out the obvious 'brags' ya pervs.

But ohh I'm good at it, or the world has remarkably low standards. When I was younger I'd have looked at the gift horse in the mouth, so to speak and backed off. What the hell I'd have said, it's unfair that nobody else is doing much of it and people don't know what the thing even is and it's kinda' illegal lets not get into the details, but I'm good at it and I reject reject that privilege because the standards are too low for me to even consider looking into it. I'm not chasing after fruits that are so low hanging nobody thinks it's worth picking up.

I'm older, mature ahaha I can't stop giggling at that sorry sorry okay back to scheduled programming, and more experienced in the ways of the world. More importantly I've discovered the world needs to lower its standards considerably to include me into anything good, so if my existence is valid then so are the various skills I've accrued -- quite accidentally in this particular case -- over the years. It wasn't hasn't ever been intentional, just one day somebody tells me out of nowhere, huuuh that's an interesting set of skills you've acquired, might be useful under very specific not super duper exciting circumstances. The first time, I dismissed it, maybe they wanted something out of me. It's happened many times and one wonders, maybe there's something in there.

Can't brag about it though. Can't tell you what it is. And it's not something that I could leverage to get myself into uhh interesting situations either, wish it were the case ugh. A low-stake not particularly remarkable or useful skill that I have cornered the market for so to speak. There's no market for it, nobody ever goes about thinking to themselves, huuh I do need me some of thaat thing. Unless the world of 30 Rock the comedy tv show were real in which case maybe I'd have a good career working with NBC Universal Comcast conglomerate. Alas that's not our alternate reality. My goose is cooked.

It's just embarrassing enough that I can't openly admit it to people, but not embarrassing enough that I could go about bragging to other sets of people to get good things out of it. So stupid, so lame, so very everyday. Why don't interesting wild crazy things ever happen to me [compared to others I mean, not in absolute term, I'd rather not have 'interesting times' anymore sigh so tired], I've complained for over more than a decade. This fits in perfectly in with that situation. It's like the gods felt bad for me they decided to throw in something my way but didn't care enough for it to be something good.

And so we're here. Where I've eluded, titillated you hopefully, led you on to consider all the wild possibilities. Wonder what could be hiding under this unassuming and boring face, the best compliment which has received outside motherly-contexts has been 'its not unattractive'. Not telling you bruh, not telling ya'. It'll go into the realms beyond with me. Unless I can write stories about it, titillate my readers more without revealing too much and get paid for it. Then you'll know way too much of it.

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