I've been randomly putting out these flash fiction pieces that can be compiled into a couple-thousand narrative at this point. There was a piece I liked specially, a couple making a run out of their house and into the Indian border after getting some bad news, can't seem to find that anymore. Imagine Harry Potter's parents but if they got tipped off, etc.
Anyway, this seems to be where that appears to be heading, so I'm dumping it out here. If it makes into something worth putting more energy into, I'll organize it better.
Meanwhile, here's the other pieces. None of them are the one I'm looking for. If anyone knows what I'm talking about
Escape from Kathmandu
Man of Principle
Comrade PM
When Raul chandra ghosh saw the armed vehicles rolling towards him, it was already to late. The activist realized in the last conscious moments he should have listened to the classified information he had been provided with the evening before and made his way to the border. Tell them it's going to be fine, were his last words that fateful evening.
Three months later he was a different man, having recovered a serious concussion and a mild heart-attack caused by discovering the wrong end of 45 barrels of guns pointed at him. The new government didn't intend to destroy or kill all its enemies, the spokesperson for the new regime explained to him once he was out of the hospital. They weren't evil like everyone was making them out to be, they just needed support of trusted honest hardworking folks like him, they'd put him in the power anyway they just needed to do some housecleaning and remove those forces that had not allowed the country to go anywhere over all these years.
What caused one of the pioneers of the new political movement to sell out so quick, there were many discussions on. A father of 2 three-year-olds, he couldn't compromise the safety of his wife and children, a school of thought went. Others said he was a coward from the start, even without his family he would have stood no chance against the enemy's techniques. Some even questioned his motivations from the start, they suggested he was a mole for the new regime anyway, once they came in full control of the facilities of the state they placed him in position he had been placed from the start.
Regardless of the reasons, the former fighter and organizer was the very face of the system he fought so hard against. They wanted to put him in the anti-disinformation division, he was suave enough to realize the department would soon be known as the propaganda arm of the military government, he didn't want to come in the first line of fire if things went south. Instead he chose a much safer, even proactive department: social innovation.
The purpose of the social innovation department was, according to their objectives, to realign and restructure social infrastructures in the nation to remove friction that stopped the country from reaching greatness, and global acclaim. Removal of superstitious beliefs, gender limitations, caste divisions, and feudalistic practices, where their primary goals. Their actually motivation -- besides what the unbelievably naive inside thought -- was to make sure there wasn't enough social cohesion and interaction between the various groups and organizations inside for them to be able to foment and organize any rebellion. That meant constantly coming up with new training programs and marches and workshops and campaigns and changing the people around, so nobody had the time energy or the social capital to coalesce a group of similarly-minded people. Anti-disinformation training, three weeks. Identifying bias in various places in the society, two months. Transition management, three months. Power dynamics management between the oppressed and the oppressors, ten weeks. So on and on and on. They co-opted every piece of liberal organizing they could find from the west -- referred to as propaganda by the core government members -- and used it to create a facade of social activism and interest. The presentation itself was just to keep people busy and tired enough to not be able to think of anything solid. The presenters spent a great time and energy to keep the participants, who numbered in the high hundreds in large halls always, engaged throughout, while not forming strong bonds with each other. Eventually they formed a sub-department that hired tens of thousands, designed solely to come up with ways to keep the attendees -- the higher-ups referred to them as prisoners, rather pleased -- occupied and engaged. Anything to stop them from thinking for themselves.
The goals were multi-pronged: use the appearance of progressive social goals to get a buy-in from the liberal european countries, while using the centralized force and authoritarian structure to convince the Americans and the Chinese that this was a suitable plalce for their political structures to thrive. It worked, somehow, against all expectations. Foreign aid only increased, in kind and through technical means. The human-rights organizations complained, the international media nagged, diaspora communities held rallies. They all fizzled eventually, everyone went to the next big political hotspot soon enough.
A nation of thirty million, ruled by a group of people that were not only corrupt and politically inept but also had limited political training. It was bound for a counter-rebellion, a pullback by the old guard, some sort of reaction from all those whose power and wealth had been taken away. The hilly terrain was particularly favorable for guerilla warfare, the mountains and forests could hide and support hundreds in every mountainside. The junta, inexperienced as they were, had also studied in great detail the history of similar coups and their evolution through the years. Urbanization programs were started so no villagers could be human shield for undesired provocateurs. In the name of nature conservation, all the hillocks and mountainsides that were evaluated by military strategists to be difficult to take over were nationalized and consolidated. The army's control of national parks was made absolute, entry and exit was strictly monitored,anyone found inside a preservation without proper documentation could face serious repercussions in the civilian courts. The poor, illiterate, uneducated, unfortunate suffered the most, many shot on sight. The cost of progress is that you have collateral damage while learning your way to greatness, proclaimed the government media.
Soon enough the government ran out social training programs, there's only so many boring things you can repeat over and over again in front of people before they start getting bored and zoning out. That was when the skills-development camps were deployed. Labor camps were too unappetizing in the modern day and age. The chinese saw them for what they were right away and provided significant resources to get the projects started.
There was a glitch in the plan the revolutionaries never thought of.
For a revolution ito succeed you need a critical mass of believers, even if they're never going to take up arms or involve themselves in any sort of conflict you need people to believe, that you're doing them good, that your political school of thought is better than the alternatives, that any criticism of the system or a subsystem thereof is a personal attack on you oand everything you stand for. This particular overthrow of power had never made it to the critical level instead relying on reach and force.
The labor camps weren't that. They turned out to be legitimate skills-training programs backed by a large bureaucracy that was fighting for its survival against real or imagined enemies and spent a great amount of resources and manpower in coming up with programs that were engaging and interesting. Because that's how counterrevolutions can be avoided, the thought went, when your enemy is such a big and important part of you they won't even comprehend any sort of social dismantlement or readjustment of basic principles. Farmers turned into creative and curious farmers, mechanics, medical helpers, childcare workers, repairmen in a matter of months. Unemployed hordes of educated but unskilled graduates got the missing element of their education completed, they were vigorous in espousing the benefits of their new practice. Because the programs were designed to be intense and stressful, everyone practiced all the time, creative new products, coming up with new innovation, thinking
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